Hope Covenant Church

Watch our Sunday service as we live stream through Facebook LIVE.

Miss a Sunday? Go back and listen later!

If you wish to donate to our ministry, you can find instructions here!

Join us in person or online!

Sunday morning worship begins at 10:30am, and we’re so excited for you to join us!

We have a nursery for babies and kids up to age 5, and Children’s Church for 5th graders or younger who don’t want to remain in the sanctuary for the sermon.

Visit our Small Groups page for a list of study groups meeting throughout the week.

Please let us know how we can pray for you! Send an email to hopeoffice@hopecov.org.

Current Sermon Series:

We are in a series reflecting on what the Spirit said to the early church in Revelation. May we hear What the Spirit Says to us today!

What does it mean for us to be more aware of God’s Presence in our lives?

See you Sunday mornings at 10:30! We'll save you a seat!