“Hope Huddles:” Study Groups


Sunday Evening Study:


Every other Sunday: 6:30-8:00pm. Contact James at, (317) 437-4121.

Meets via Zoom.


Tuesday Night Womens’ Study

2nd and 4th Tuesdays: 7:00pm. Contact Kitty, (317) 341-1202, for more details.

This group is currently taking a break and will resume in the Spring.


tuesday night young men’s study

The life of David

Every other Tuesday at 7:00 pm. A young men’s group studying the life of King David by reading through passages in 1 and 2 Samuel. Contact Steve Zimmerly, (814) 771-2743 for more details.

Monday NIGHT MEN’S Study:


Monday: 7-830P. A men’s group. Contact Sean at (317) 201-6407. This men’s group meets via Zoom. Many of the members are not local.




Wednesdays: 10:30am-12pm. A men’s group. Contact: Don at (814) 771-6779. This part of the men’s group meets at the church: bring a sack lunch to enjoy some time of fellowship after the huddle.

Women’s afternoon study:


1st and 3rd Wednesday: 1-3PM. Contact Debbie at (317) 513-3675. This women’s small group is going through the book of Hebrews.


Monday mornING Women’s study

Now and not yet

Mondays: 10:00am. A Women’s group studying the book Now and Not Yet. They meet in person at Darlene Ostrom’s house. Contact Darlene, (814) 771-6780, for more details.